Ontario’s right about drug injection sites

The following letter was published by Ottawa Citizen on August 24th, 2024. Re: Somerset West supervised consumption site to close after new provincial rules, Aug. 20. I am pleased to see Ontario’s new requirement that supervised drug consumption sites within 200 metres of schools will have to close. I only wish that the distance had increased beyond […]

Bradford visit a ‘blessing’ for Ottawa resident

The following article was published by Bradford Today, on July 16th, 2024. ‘Our faith, Islam, teaches us that a person cannot be grateful to God, unless they are thankful to people. And your community, is truly deserving of a lot of gratitude,’ visitor from Ottawa writes BradfordToday welcomes letters to the editor at chris@bradfordtoday.ca or via the website. Please include […]


The following letter was published by Toronto Sun, June 20th, 2024. As a humanitarian and a proud father of four children, each day lays heavy on me as I ponder why the global powers cannot use wisdom and dialogue to resolve this conflict that has no military solution. Growing up, we all saw movies showing […]

Ongoing tragedy

The following letter was published by Toronto Sun, on May 15th, 2024. The world continues to stand idly by as tens of thousands of innocent lives are viciously targeted and slaughtered. As an Ahmadi Muslim, I feel obligated to categorically condemn any injustice against mankind, whether an attack by Hamas claiming the lives of hundreds […]

Unrest is counterproductive

The following letter was published by Ottawa Citizen, on May 6th 2024. As an Ahmadi Muslim, I have huge sympathy for the plight of the innocent Palestinians whose homes, lives, and history are being erased by the intense bombardment of Gaza. However, I cannot endorse protests that disrupt the peace of other places. These recent […]

Opinion: Solar eclipse an opportunity for collective inner reflection

The following article was published by Montreal Gazette, on April 6th, 2024. A profound symbolism lies within this celestial wonder: Are we agents of light, or do we contribute to the shadows that engulf humanity? As people eagerly await the solar eclipse on April 8, casting a shadow over many parts of Canada, I am […]

Motion for Gaza must follow with action

The following letter was published by The Toronto Star, on March 20th, 2024. NDP motion on Palestinian statehood passes after tense negotiations with Liberals yield major amendments, March 18 I have subdued feelings seeing that the NDP motion regarding the conflict in Gaza, altered as it may be, was passed in Parliament. I applaud MPs who […]

As an imam in Quebec, I hold out hope for the repeal of Bill 21

The following article was published by Montreal Gazette, on March 19th, 2024. A secular state should remain impartial; it should not impede individuals’ right to practise their religion. As a Muslim residing in Quebec, I am profoundly saddened that the Quebec Court of Appeal upheld the province’s secularism law (Bill 21), which prohibits certain civil servants from […]

End Islamophobia

The following letter was published by The London Free Press on March 6th, 2024. Islamophobia exists, and we have plenty of it throughout Canada. It’s been spreading like wildfire lately. We, as Canadians, must break through this ignorance and bigotry. As a Muslim, you’d be surprised how often I get asked, “Well, if you’re peaceful […]

Bill 21 is discriminatory

The following letter was published by The Toronto Star on March 5th, 2024. Quebec Appeal Court Bill 21 ruling fuels debate on notwithstanding clause, March 2 It is disappointing but not surprising to read that the Quebec Court of Appeal upheld Bill 21, finding the secular law constitutional. I am not a legal expert, but as […]